Well… I am so late with this but more than enough for people to download stuff I guess.
You may show your appreciation over there –> http://www.otakusdream.com/forums/index.php?topic=1769.0
Well… I am so late with this but more than enough for people to download stuff I guess.
You may show your appreciation over there –> http://www.otakusdream.com/forums/index.php?topic=1769.0
So someone in facebook wanted some Tweety goodness… So I delivered very late…
Here is Tweety Simfiles 001-025.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 026-050.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 051-075.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 076-100.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 101-125.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 126-150.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 151-175.zip download link: |
Here is Tweety Simfiles 176-200.zip download link: |
This is a Keyboard ONLY pack.
Extra thanks to Niko for all sorts of various things.
Thanks to Aloola and Ciunek for checks and fixes.
Thanks to all the people who submitted.
Jubo Notes: Download Links and Torrent, yes torrents!, up soon.
ODpage || Forum Page
From: Sargon
So thanks everyone for playing the first Solo Monogatari! (Now hitting 1600 downloads!) This sequel stays true to the original concept by having full difficulties charted for everyone but is more focused to recent anime… so if you watch some anime from previous season you probably get to play them in this pack! Also a lot of step charters entrust me their files and participating in this pack and new solo stepper has proven their potential! It surely be a lot of fun playing variety of stepping style so the only things left is DOWNLOAD and PLAY IT! Thanks everyone for supporting me. Enjoy!! –Sargon
Any questions or errors you found please inform me right away! If you had any comments I’ll be glad if you let me know so maybe if there are next pack it would be more awesome.
Also you can get the first Solo Monogatari here
Forum and Discussion enter here
Thanks to our Project Leaders: Niko & friends and Itsugo15
Side note: Reuploading all the missing packs!!! Sorry for the late update! SO SRY! my internet is going to be cut off soon looking for another ISP (Toronto, Canada) and yah bandwidth limit kills me anyways… I’ll find one soon 🙂 well before aug12. Yah I’ll get this site update with fresh links soon 🙂