2009, December 28th - ODMix Team!
This is unexpected?
1st Keyboard Mix === Released!
Totaling 131 songs!
Does not contain ONLY ANIME Songs!
Keyboard Difficulties!
Absolutely, no PAD Charts!
Just in case...
-Click me to view the download links-
For any more Questions or Answers or Rants? 2009, November 17th - Nick, Lain & Typh00n & teh rest Its that time of year again http://smallnsoft.com/od/forums/ is now our forums, nick changed our webhost. [09:52:39 (11/17)] <Suzu> Jubo post on the news about the new forum please 2009, October 13th - LK4D4 & Jubo Let the fun begin... Welcome participants! If you haven't been updated or read the forums yet. We kick started our, or rather LK4D4's, contest. Read the rules here!
Now that you have read them... you may come across the materials for the contest! if you haven't... you in luck I have it here! look below :)
Friday, October 16th, 2009 @ 12:00pm GMT Is the Deadline! Submit only the .sm chart before the 3 days by either Forum PM (to LK4D4), IRC PM (also, to LK4D4), or e-mail (lk4d4@yahoo.com).
In other news... Jubo has started working simfiles again :) Revival of Otaku's Dream? I dunno... BTW... OD6 or ODMix Release date: 2010 Q1 :) Hopefully you know Q1 means, gamers? 2009, September 1st - LK4D4 Welcome to our first Contest in Otaku's Dream. Hey all, A majority of this contest is to keep people on track with a single difficulty level and allow people to place notes accordingly within a song, as well as identifying key notes in a song and viewing different methods of play. A song, one from the upcoming Fall 2009 anime season, will be used so as to give the sim-artist quick thinking, with the use of their sim-making skills, to make a chart from a new song that has "yet to be stepped". 2009, August 5th - Various People! UPDATES UPDATES UPDATES! Tweety3187/Thuy's 101-125 Batch Pack ^_^ OD Mix Keyboard Beta 2 Public Release: 8/9/09 The 2nd beta pack for Otaku's Dream Mix is being prepared and will be distributed to all users who previously submitted reviews in the last public beta, on 8/9/09 (Sunday). You will have two weeks from that Sunday (ending 8/23/09) to review the beta pack files and submit reviews in the forum. New judges, if any, will receive the pack 8/16/09 (Sunday) and will have until 8/30/09 to review the beta pack. If you do not wish to submit reviews or otherwise receive the pack, please post here so that your name may be crossed off the list. Currently, there are 12 people on the list not including the pack admins that can review files. There are a total of 14 public spots open for public judges, leaving 2 free spaces open for potential judges. Also, if a person from that list does not wish to review files, they may relinquish their spot and their spot will be considered 'open' for anyone who is qualified enough to review Keyboard simfiles, pending required criteria which I will state later in this post. Submissions have again have had all graphics, cdtitles, and other forms of personal identification removed from each file to eliminate bias towards any certain stepfile artist. Files with 'alpha' or 'beta' in the folder title mean more than one person has stepped the said file in this beta. Generally speaking, the hardest difficulty should be played (usually Heavy/Challenge/Edit), but please use common sense when playing difficulties and try to review the best chart for each file. Files must again be reviewed with a Pass/Fail decision for each file, there are no 'needs work' or 'pending' categories for ODM. If you think a file is borderline, fail it and write why you think it's borderline. Suggestions for the simfile artists is critical as the serious artists will go back and attempt to correct their mistakes. Reviews do not need to be overly detailed. Short, concise sentences about each file should be written, be as professional as possible. Users that wish to become public judges for Otaku's Dream Mix must be able to demonstrate they can professionally and seriously review files. For this, potential users have two options: The first option is to review one of the following keyboard files, either Blue Rose or Gray Pianos Flying, and post a review in this topic. Both files are not inherently hard, but what may be difficult is explaining how the files you thought were good or bad. Whether or not you like the file isn't necessarily important, what is important is that you can argue strongly why or why not you think it is a good file. Explain what you think the simfile artist did right and what you think he or she did wrong. Please use the format that has been used previously in public beta reviews and use the Pass/Fail system. Explain why you want to become a judge for ODM and why you should be taken seriously. The second option is to provide evidence that you have significant stepfile knowledge and significant Stepmania terminology knowledge, either by showing you have made enjoyable/good simfiles in the past or explaining stepmania review terminology. I'm not just talking about terms like sync or fun factor, I'm talking about terms like layering, color note usage, flow, clean patterns, when to use hands or quads, etc. Again, explain why you want to become an ODM judge and what you have to offer our community. I recommend doing the first option as it is much easier to review a tangible file. Potential judges will have their posts reviewed summarily and will either be approved or rejected. Rejected users are welcome to resubmit judge interviews, but you cannot use any statements or terms in your first post. There is no word minimum or limit, but please keep in mind a couple of sentences will most likely not allow you judge status. If you have questions about this beta pack or judging, please post here as well. Thank you. PAD Beta 2 Testers.... Just to tell everyone, thank you for participating on your entries for the beta testing... Who ever got there acceptance will have a Private Message on the forum by LK4D4, the leade,r and the message will have have the download link to the beta pack. Hopefully, you get complete the testings and send your opinions to LK4D4. OD's Flash MP3 Player Jubo is going to update soon... just worried that space of webserver might go over limit or just to much to handle? But more is uploading. 2009, June 23rd - LK4D4 "Open Beta" Otaku's Dream 6th Mix (PAD Section) We here at Otaku's Dream have decided to release the next Beta for Pad to be for Public Distribution. There's a catch... 2009, June 20th - Jubo Website Update...
I mostly cleared out the broken links... if any is still appearing dead, contact me on the forums. I'll try update the website time to time during the Canadan (North America) summer.
The ODMP3player has several new tracks by Ayane, MEG and new one from Saori@Destiny... As you can see, I enjoy pretty much a techno-pop lover (Perfume/Capsule like songs). The anime portion I haven't updated my playlist for some time now so I gotta get that up too; not to mention whatever is on this ODMP3player is also on my PSP Phat :).
BTW, please below if you are thinking about making a simfile :)
2009, June 19th - Lain Otaku's Dream 6th Mix Keyboard Stepmania Workshop on Ventrilo (VOTE HERE!) Message by Lain,
After our second general OD meeting tonight, an idea was brought up concerning the status of OD6, it's keyboard simfiles, and their authors. It is very clear from the official judging and the public beta testing that many of you need help with stepping simfiles. Right now we probably do not even have 10 fully accepted simfiles and we have received well over 100 files so far. With that said, we are extending an invitation to any simfile author that either has submitted a file to OD6, or wants to submit a file to OD6 to come to this Ventrilo workshop and receive individualized or generalized tips on how to improve their simfiles. We really want new, talented simfile authors to re-energize OD as a whole but we can't do that unless people learn how to make good sims. Thank you.
2009, May 5th - Jubo & Ilonaya Updates on Anime Mix DDLs Hey all, email me where are they and I'll update it. (look at the link for the email address. Send spam if you want *wink*)
One more thing... ilonaya's Simfiles Jubo's quote from our PM on IRC, [06:43:59] <Ilonaya> maybe say they're all touhou kb sims? ^^" See the red text says it all... READ THAT TOUHOU FREAKS :) Start downloading! Uhh.... yah enjoy! 2009, April 27th - Tweety3187 & LD4K4 Hmmm.... Tweety3187 (Instrumental Mix): RELEASE!!!!!! LK4D4 (Batch Pack): Late...PAD Simfiles :) Jubo (Bored): EnJoy!~!!!! 2009, April 11th - Jubo Yes, Dropped and Dead Project for now, This is maybe... the last mix of this project... Enjoy it, I guess? I'll or someone will add more links to the download section. At this moment, Megaupload link is available. 2009, April 2nd - Jubo Happy Belated Birthday Otaku's Dream (March 31st) So wassup? What's Happening? Hmmm... I didn't have the time to update the news page on the day when our group's anniversary/birthday happen. So... we are 3 years old now and still running and active as ever, well not much activity on simfiles... Simfiles, well we are trying to give you all "HIGH QUALITY" stuff. We trying! As of Monday or Sunday... I'll be running the Flash MP3 player by a demand of our group member, Xion; yes xion... you asked for it now it's back for a test run! So, for those of you have work and have nothing to listen to or just come here for music back it was in the past? then it's comming back on Sunday or Monday. As of me, Jubo, my status of creating simfiles has not started yet... but will be soon, maybe end of april but definitely May. So, those who are looking for my comeback? like no one is (:P). I'll be in the scene of simfile making soon! The previous news about a completion of mix is soon to be release.... Unfortunately, I have no idea where or what is going on with this mix. I am trying to find what is going on and try to release what is left of this mysterious mix. Unfinish or finish... I am going to bring to you guys. I know it leaked around the forums, so those who got it lucky for you. As for the forums... well its DOWN maybe forever? I guess not... but whatever is wrong it, man... I really don't know what's happening. I don't manage or own the server... so hopefully our forum webmaster, Nick, can fix it up soon. If not... then I'll take some action to create one :) Lastly, but surely not forgotten... LK4D4 will be releasing his own simfile batch pack soon. If you are PAD player, surely you want his batch pack... since unofficially the OD's PAD leader, till then... see you soon. 2009, February 21st - LK4D4 Guess what? Something bad is going to release today! Welcome to the 1st new mix of 2009
Warning! Finally; I got it done on time, and I am quite pleased with how it turned out. Everyone who had a part in making this pack should be congratulated for their hard work. My experience in making this pack, and my stay with OD, will surely make the upcoming OD6 thee best yet. Look forward to it! In the meantime, keep sending us those files.
Another mix is on the final completion to release... Server Move, FlashMP3Player is gone. Happy New Year, fellow otakus out there ^_^...
As of now the music player is now gone as we move to a lower rate server...
Reason why we moved, cause someone in our group (whoever you are, Jack@$$ thank you for killing it) spread the word of our private section and terribly killed our bandwidth (fyi, it was 66Terabytes in one month) and the owner's server suffer a hefty bill amount. Due to his awesome generousity to the this website and this group, he let it go but downgraded this server pretty much that I can't host private section anymore.
The private section had all the files from my megaupload account, plus touhou stuff and DJ MAX simfiles (not StepMania playable, btw...) so yah... that for the people who does not know what is happening behind the scenes.
Now I am at school, new semester, less time for me. My winter Break was a bit crazy hole in my wallet spending like crazy... (*cough* 6TB HDD space *cough*). Anyways, Enjoy your days and wait for the next release of Otaku's Dream Project soon.
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Clarify on PAD Mix...
It is not going to be release anytime soon.
Most certainly next year.
Requires more quality checking ^_^
Domain Name Change! (FORUMS)
Tell us what links around the Internet desperately need to be reupdated and we will look into it.
[09:53:37 (11/17)] <~Jubo-Laptop> -.- forgot the news post, before I slept last morning -.- okay.
[09:57:11 (11/17)] <Suzu> Do it
Otaku's Dream Simfile Contest
Seriously, if you want to win some anime DVDs!
MegaUpload Link! -- Our Server Link!
Otaku's Dream Simfile Contest
Released, click me to download it, keke!
In order to get the pack, which currently has over 50 simfiles, anyone interested in getting this pack will need to write at least two paragraphs telling us why you would like this early release. Paragraphs must be at least 40 words in length. Just reply to this thread with your answers and expect a PM by the end of next month.
*There's another catch; all Banners, Backgrounds, Video, CDTitles, and Credits will be removed to give a non-biased look onto who made the sims.
If anyone receiving this pack would like to help in judging, we would greatly appreciate any thoughts. Just fill in your comments with the provided list of sims and levels to play and return that to us before the deadline.
Thank you for those participating.
There will be three judges (anonymous of course) that will moderate the Ventrilo channel and attempt to help as many people within the alloted time as they can. Multiple meetings may be arranged if there is a large amount of interest.
I know we have a lot of foreign users and simfile authors on the site so the poll above is to try and get a good time for as many people as possible to join this conversation. If you have a time that you wish to vote for that isn't listed, choose 'other' and post the desired time in your post. Official date will most likely be in 1 or 2 weeks from today (6/19/09), whatever the chosen day is.
Once we have confirmed who is attending, the Ventrilo channel will be sent to them privately through the forums or the IRC channel. A microphone is required for joining this, as we can't give feedback to those who can't talk. I hope this is a step in the right direction towards the future of OD, we can't do it without our community!
I Just want to tell you all that StepMania Directory seems like its back online. The owner of that site uploaded and made our anime mix packs available for the public to download. I know there are some dead download links on this website... so
76-100 batch pack (Released: May 04)
oh just incase you didn't see the link to his simfiles... click me!
-- Jubo
Otaku's Dream Instrumental Mix (Renewed) Released!
LK's Complete #1 -1-63-(Batch Pack)
2nd Japan Mix Leaked/Dropped/Released
-- Jubo
You must be "Mature" enough to know what this is!
coming soon?
2009, January 14th - Jubo
- 2010 :: 2009 :: 2008 -